Monday, January 29, 2007

Alternatives for the Car-less

It is great to see the list grow! I know the word has spread to many others and that, no doubt, many of them have joined the "cause" but have not asked us to add their names to the website.

Two who did add their names expressed concern for whether they should join despite having been car-less for quite some time (one for 17 years). They have committed to alternative ways to mark the day: (1) Irv Kurki plans to fast February 3rd; (2) Cynthia Snow plans to use no electricity (except for her refrigerator).

I would like to encourage other car-less people to share the ways they intend to sacrifice and remember the soldiers and their families.

Monday, January 22, 2007


On New Years Day, Alex geared up to take a nice bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge and on trails traversing the Marin Headlands. It promised to be an all-day ride, so I was very surprised when he returned in not much more than an hour. It turns out the bridge had been closed to cyclists and walkers because "Code Pink" was walking across the bridge to bring attention to the 3,000th U.S. soldier's death in Iraq. Alex agreed with their cause, but was unhappy that the Bridge District had closed the bridge to cyclists and walkers. This generated discussion about how to protest without alienating those who might agree with one's cause. One thought led to another, ending in a family agreement to express, at least symbolically, our desire to bring the troops home and to encourage others to do so, too. The "Drive out" was the idea we all agreed upon.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Drive-out begins...

Margaret Mead advised us: "Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." On New Year's Day, our family decided to take a small step toward change.
We invite you to send this announcement to your friends, and if you can join us in our commitment, add your name to the list below. Please check out our blog ( and feel free to share your experience in our attempt to "Drive out the War."

Thank you for your time.

Betsy, Jack, Karen, Alex, and Brian Darr

Drive out the War

Saturday, February 3, All Day

To Support the Troops

Bring Them Home

On the first Saturday in February my family will be participating

in a “No Driving” day.

We hope that you, your family, your friends, their families, etc.,

will join us and will spread the word to others.

People may participate for any number of reasons, but most

important to our family are:

(1) The soldiers fighting in Iraq, and their families, are making huge sacrifices in our names. By making a small sacrifice, we try to keep their suffering in mind for at least one day.

(2) Not driving addresses the role oil plays in this war.

(We are asking for only one day from you, but for as long as U.S.- caused deaths in Iraq continue we intend to “Drive-out” on the

first Saturday of each month. Please join us.)