Monday, January 29, 2007
Alternatives for the Car-less
Two who did add their names expressed concern for whether they should join despite having been car-less for quite some time (one for 17 years). They have committed to alternative ways to mark the day: (1) Irv Kurki plans to fast February 3rd; (2) Cynthia Snow plans to use no electricity (except for her refrigerator).
I would like to encourage other car-less people to share the ways they intend to sacrifice and remember the soldiers and their families.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Drive-out begins...
We invite you to send this announcement to your friends, and if you can join us in our commitment, add your name to the list below. Please check out our blog ( and feel free to share your experience in our attempt to "Drive out the War."
Thank you for your time.
Betsy, Jack, Karen, Alex, and Brian Darr
Drive out the War
Saturday, February 3, All Day
To Support the Troops
Bring Them Home
On the first Saturday in February my family will be participating
in a “No Driving” day.
We hope that you, your family, your friends, their families, etc.,
will join us and will spread the word to others.
People may participate for any number of reasons, but most
important to our family are:
(2) Not driving addresses the role oil plays in this war.
(We are asking for only one day from you, but for as long as U.S.- caused deaths in Iraq continue we intend to “Drive-out” on the
first Saturday of each month. Please join us.)